
A phygital ecosystem for the care of your animals

More than just an e-commerce: evolving the Arcaplanet platform to offer a 360° experience to pet parents.

Arcaplanet platform interface on laptop tablet

More than just an e-commerce: evolving the Arcaplanet platform to offer a 360° experience to pet parents.


Retail & E-commerce




Designing a seamless experience

Arcaplanet's challenge in the short term was to enhance the brand with the redesign of the online platform, in order to increase conversion, purchase frequency and drive-to-store. In the medium/long term, however, the goal was to offer a seamless physical-digital experience through the creation of new services and the use of new technologies to offer personalized experiences.

The qualitative-quantitative research activity conducted through the study of Doxa reports, user interviews and usability tests of the as-is, was preparatory to the design of the UX & UI of the new platform and to the ideation of new services to evolve the experience.

Designing a seamless experience


In less than two months, a new value proposition was defined and a mobile first and responsive platform was designed to foster adoption, thanks to the optimized search of products and contents, to profile the user and his animal, optimize the steps of the funnel, and to enhance the brand and the loyalty program.

new web & in-store services
integrated ecosystem

Targeted tips for each pet parent

The to-be experience evolves Arcaplanet's role from supplier to advisor, to support and train pet parents regardless of their degree of experience.

The platform, designed according to the logic of profiling, allows personalized upselling so that the users can view the content that is truly relevant to them.

The suggestions that facilitate and reduce research times are fed by the information provided about the user’s pet while filling in the pet form, and by the history of previous purchasing choices.

Tablet display of search functionality and targeted suggestions, powered by your pet's information entered in the pet card shown in the mobile version

Simple and optimized navigation flows

Quick access to the platform is equally guaranteed from desktop and mobile, thanks to a clear categorization of products. The navigation pattern has been redesigned in order to allow even the less experienced user to get to the desired result from different access points, thus speeding up the research through suggestions. Moreover, the personal area and the shopping cart have been improved to optimize the purchasing process even for recurring orders, to easily manage product returns, and to facilitate the wishlist and purchase, even without login.

Laptop visualisation of the Arcaplanet offer and categorisation of products to show users simple and optimised navigation
Arcaclub section interface in the user's personal area, with display of loyalty card and points balance
Selection of interface components implemented in the design library within the Arcaplanet e-commerce system.

A hub of services for engagement and loyalty

Arcaplanet has become much more than a product platform, transforming itself into a real integrated hub of services to keep informed through articles, participate in training events and get to know the people of the company up close. In order to increase the purchase frequency and the active participation of users, Arcaplanet has evolved its loyalty program by rewarding the most loyal customers and by fostering the synergy between the online actions and those performed in physical stores.

Arcaplanet is not only a product platform, but a real integrated hub of services to inform through articles and training events

Enhancing the know-how of the experts

Arcaplanet has changed its paradigm, evolving from a simple e-commerce to a platform of people for the people, by creating a community of experts to support pet parents. Thanks to the capillarity of digital learning tools, it promotes Academy training to make its staff excel and keep up to date. Arcaplanet talks about itself and its passion, while also offering space on its blog to the experts and their contents.

Arcaplanet blog interface with expert advice shown on laptop

As part of a plan for the extension of the service portfolio, Arcaplanet has evolved its online platform to offer to its customers a 360° experience aimed at caring for their pets, thanks to new products, services, tips and training events.

Project Numbers

designers in the Sketchin team
weekly iterations
stakeholders & suppliers involved
final users interviewed
wireframes designed
visual mockups made

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