
A digital-first smarter press

We conceived a new information ecosystem with the news at its very core.

We conceived a new information ecosystem with the news at its very core.


Media & Entertainment



Corriere del Ticino

Good journalism, brand and Tessin

We have a long history with local information, and with Corriere del Ticino as well: we are subscribers of the main newspaper in Tessin since our birth, in 2006.

We have hence seen all the profound transformations that the publishing sector and this particular newspaper has undergone during these years. New devices, new platforms, new ways of use were born every day, deeply affecting the way in which content is created and offered; the digital disruption represents a life threat for the actors in the information ecosystem and calls for a definition of new content production, development, and distribution models.

Corriere del Ticino was bold and asked us to redesign its new digital offering.


On an increasingly complex scenario, Corriere del Ticino could rely on two powerful assets: the quality of its journalism and the diffusion of its printed version in the Region. These have been the pillars around which we built the entire digital strategy.

We have thus created a common design and visual language within the digital and the printed version, enhancing the distinctiveness of the brand on every touchpoint. The homepage, for example, maintains the imaginary of the front page header that is typical of the printed newspaper, taking up the logo, the typography and some of the peculiar graphic elements.

Moreover, we kept our entire design minimal to reinforce the relevance of the information.

A constant information stream

Hot topics highlighted

If the printed newspaper is a source of information and an incentive for the reflection on the events, the digital version is all about the topics at the forefront: Corriere del Ticino has given relevance to them, right under the header. Readers can thus follow the more recent updates on the spot.

Local news in the spotlight

Territoriality is one of the strengths of Corriere del Ticino, so a special section dedicated to news on the territory of the Region has been included, geolocated according to the area of access and configurable by the user.

Information flow

To enhance the fluidity and serendipity of the reading experience, rather than forcing the reader into categories, a navigation pattern that creates a continuous flow from article to article has been chosen.

Making it viable

The new design of Corriere del Ticino online is fully responsive. Maintaining the consistency of the design on every touchpoint can be tough, especially considering the continuous updates to the content. 

We have created a design system and an HTML/CSS design library to help the newsroom deal with this complexity, and always give the best possible form to their content.

The role of the journalist

Together with Corriere del Ticino, we have decided to abolish the editorial difference between the printed and the digital version: the news item is unique, and the journalist produces it regardless 
of its destination. 

This brings to a deep transformation of the journalist role: his work does not end when the newspaper goes to print overnight, but it continues until the news remains relevant.

Considering the news as a living thing also adds to the mission of the newsroom, as a unique entity focused on the production and distribution of quality content on a multitude of touchpoints.

We redesigned the Corriere del Ticino offering as a whole new information ecosystem, with the news at its core, in order to provide a seamless experience across physical and digital touchpoints.

Project numbers

designers in the Sketchin team
iterations of work
stakeholders involved
corporate units addressed
adv partner
ready-to-use components
templates delivered

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