
All the energy of a full digital offer

Repower used design thinking and lean experiment methodologies to define and launch a full digital energy offering for small-medium business clients.

Repower used design thinking and lean experiment methodologies to define and launch a full digital energy offering for small-medium business clients.

From the touchpoint to the value proposition

Repower initially approached the project as a redesign of its digital touchpoints, however during the assessment and research phase, a brand new set of opportunities for the SO-HO (Small Office - Home Office) target emerged.


Repower created a brand new business line and co-designed with us the value proposition of this new offering dedicated to the SO-HO clients, to deliver them a full digital, seamless end-to-end experience.

minutes for the entire onboarding process
minutes for back-office contract processing
minutes for total end-to-end contract subscription experience

New business by design

Creating the value proposition for the SO-HO business clients has been an iterative-incremental process: several co-design sessions with the internal stakeholder triggered a direct relationship between product interface and offering, making the two things strongly linked. 

We used the Lean Experiment methodology to validate and refine with the final users both the process and the envisaged solutions, in order to keep the final product close to their needs.

people involved in the lean experiment

Full digital, beyond the energy consultants

For the So-Ho target, Repower opted for a full digital process in order to reserve the human intermediation of the Energy Consultants for more valuable activities.

Users can now autonomously subscribe their new energy contract, complete the process and fill the documentation all in a few steps, with the possibility of dropping and resuming the onboarding process anytime.

The users are guided in the choice of the right energy offer for their needs, through an assistive tool that highlights the value of every single product.

Users can now autonomously subscribe their new energy contract, complete the process and fill the documentation all in a few steps, with the possibility of dropping and resuming the onboarding process anytime.

Quality end-to-end

The Lean and Agile approach with incremental weekly solutions and the integration of design skills and methods with a UX Engineering team, allowed us to deliver value throughout the project, from the very beginning to the implementation phase.

We have delivered the final and complete front-end HTML, ready to be integrated with internal systems and processes, with quality assurance activities for a high-quality output.

Radical brand and visual consistency

The narrative is based on a story of micro-moments that are empathetic for the SOHO customer who is looking for new energy services.

We have put an extra care in extending the brand throughout all the touchpoints and, since the images play a fundamental role in the storytelling, we have also conceived clear visual and shooting guidelines.

Design thinking tools and methods helped Repower detect a new business target, conceiving new services that suited its energy needs, and creating a set of fully digital on-boarding touchpoints.

Project numbers

weekly iterations, from research to design
designers in the Sketchin team
departments of Repower involved
stakeholders involved in the project
Design Library delivered

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